
Sell Verified Tickets from Ticketmaster

Sell Verified Tickets from Ticketmaster - Learn How to Sell Tickets on StubHub from Ticketmaster

Need to sell your tickets but want to ensure they go to a good home? Ticketmaster offers a secure platform for selling your verified tickets. Whether you have extra tickets to a concert, sports game, or theater performance, you can trust Ticketmaster to help you find buyers.

To sell verified tickets from Ticketmaster, start by logging into your Ticketmaster account. Navigate to ‘My Tickets’ and select the event you wish to sell tickets for. Click on ‘Sell’ and follow the prompts to set your price and list your tickets. Once your tickets sell, you’ll receive payment directly from Ticketmaster, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction.

how to sell tickets on stubhub from ticketmaster

If you’re wondering how to sell tickets on StubHub from Ticketmaster, the process is straightforward. First, ensure your tickets are listed on Ticketmaster. Then, visit StubHub and create a listing, entering the ticket details provided by Ticketmaster. This dual listing increases your chances of selling your tickets quickly and easily.

Selling your tickets has never been easier or safer. Trust Ticketmaster for a hassle-free ticket selling experience!

Why Sell Tickets on Ticketmaster?


  1. Reach a Large Audience: Ticketmaster has a vast user base, giving you exposure to potential buyers across the globe.
  2. Secure Transactions: Selling tickets on Ticketmaster ensures safe and reliable transactions, protecting both sellers and buyers.
  3. Official Resale Platform: Ticketmaster is often the official resale platform for many events and venues, providing a trusted marketplace for ticket sales.
  4. Competitive Pricing: Set your ticket prices competitively to attract buyers while maximizing your returns.
  5. Ease of Use: Ticketmaster’s user-friendly interface makes it simple to list and manage your ticket listings.

How to Sell Tickets on Ticketmaster


  1. Log In: Sign in to your Ticketmaster account or create one if you don’t already have one.
  2. Access “Sell Tickets”: Navigate to the “Sell Tickets” section on Ticketmaster’s website or mobile app.
  3. Select Event: Choose the event for which you want to sell tickets from your account’s list of upcoming events.
  4. Set Price: Set the selling price for your tickets. You can base this price on the original purchase price, market demand, or other factors.
  5. Choose Delivery Method: Select how you want to deliver the tickets to the buyer, such as mobile transfer or electronic delivery.
  6. List Tickets: Complete the listing process by providing all necessary details about the tickets, including seating information and quantity.
  7. Review and Confirm: Double-check your listing details, pricing, and delivery method before finalizing the listing.
  8. Wait for Buyers: Once your tickets are listed, potential buyers can browse and purchase them directly through Ticketmaster.

Tips for Selling Tickets


  • Price Strategically: Research similar listings to set a competitive price that attracts buyers.
  • Provide Accurate Information: Ensure your listing includes accurate details about the event, seating, and ticket delivery to avoid confusion.
  • Promote Your Listing: Share your listing on social media or with friends and contacts to increase visibility and chances of selling.
  • Monitor Listings: Keep an eye on your listings for any inquiries or offers from potential buyers.
  • Be Responsive: Respond promptly to buyer inquiries and messages to facilitate a smooth transaction.

Fees and Payment


Ticketmaster may charge a selling fee or commission for using their platform to sell tickets. These fees vary depending on the event, ticket price, and other factors. Payment for sold tickets is typically processed through Ticketmaster, with funds deposited into your designated account after successful ticket delivery to the buyer.

Customer Support


If you encounter any issues or need assistance while selling tickets on Ticketmaster, their customer support team is available to help. Whether it’s resolving technical issues, managing listings, or processing payments, Ticketmaster’s support ensures a positive selling experience.

In Conclusion


Selling tickets on Ticketmaster offers convenience, security, and access to a vast audience of potential buyers. Whether you have spare tickets or can’t attend an event, Ticketmaster provides a reliable platform to sell your tickets with ease. Maximize your ticket sales and reach eager buyers by listing your tickets on Ticketmaster today!
